Tuesday, 7 August 2012

etiquette of Foods

Islam (Peace)has laid great emphasis in mental, spiritual and physical health of Human Beings. Islamic medicines came into being as a result of the integration of the traditions of Greek medicines with the theories and practices of the Persians and the Indians.
Human is either healthy or unhealthy with respect to his physical and spiritual states. Islam has laid stress on the total health of Man.

An Arab Physician Harith bin Kalada was once asked,

Q. What is the best medicine ?
A. "Necessity ---- That is hunger!" he replied.

Q. What is disease ? " he was again asked.?
A. The entry of food upon food". he replied.

"Never have a meal until the one before it has been digested."

Last Messenger of Allah (Peace & be Upon him) to have forbidden eating while lying down.

Last Messenger of Allah (Peace & be Upon him) has said,
"Eat some supper, even if it is only a handful of dry bread, for going without the evening meal makes you grow old."

Last Messenger of Allah (Peace & be Upon him) to have forbidden blowing on food or drink or breathing into a container was not the practice of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him).

1 comment:

  1. It is very nice to see this kind of blog ...
    I suggest for all the sayings if you can further research and add references it will be excellent..
