Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Who is Maryum in the light of Quranic Guidance?


Who is Maryum in the light of Quranic Guidance?

The Birth of Mary is described in Chapter Al-Imran : 35,36
When the mother of Mary became expectant she said to Allah (God), “I offer this child in my belly exclusively for Your service. Please accept it from me since You know how sincerely I am saying and You hear all what we say.”

Then when she delivered her (child,Mary), she said: “ O my Lord! I have delivered a female child” – And Allah knew better what she delivered – “ And the male is not like female, and I have named it Maryum, and I seek refuge with You (Allah) for her and for her offspring from Satan, the outcast.”

When the mother of Mary gave birth to a child she was amazed that it happened to be a girl. It was a common notion that only a boy can serve Allah in a sanctuary.
She named this child Maryum and prayed to Allah, “ I put her and her children under the protection of Allah against the Satan the outcast.” This scene of the birth of baby girl Maryum is further described in this Surah also. Allah said, “Indeed this girl is not like boy”. In other words this baby girl is going to be an extraordinary girl and very much different from a baby boy. It is also obvious from this verse that in Islam a mother has the same right to name her child as the father has. In other words it is not a exclusive right for males to name the children. In fact, the rights of men and women are exactly the same in Islam. Only their roles is differ. The roles are assigned by Allah since He knows the best as their Creator.

Allah further described the bringing up of this unique baby girl as follows in Chapter Al-Imran : 37
 “Allah accepted this baby girl in the best possible way and also brought her up in the best possible way and put her in the guardianship of Zachariah. Whenever Zachariah went a sanctuary where she was, he found that she had food (in abundance of all kinds and all seasons). He said, “ O Mary! From where does this food come to you? “ She answered, “ It is from Allah, He gives in abundance to whom He wills.”

This was a very inspiring experience for Zachariah (Peace be with him). He considered it most appropriate to pray to Allah (One and Only-Who Creator, Sustainer of the Universes),  to grant him a child since he had no offspring till this old age. He reliazed that if Allah can provide this (baby) girl this food of all the seasons in abundance He can grant him a child even in old age. 

His Dua is described in Holy Quran: Chapter: Al-Imran, Verse-38

Then Zachariah prayed to Allah and said, “ My Lord! Please grant me child who is pious. You, indeed hear Dua.”

It is interesting to add here that prophets like Zachariah (Peace be with them) and Ibrahim (Peace be with them) asked for children even in their old age so that these good children could carry out the work of Allah after their death.

Allah granted this Dua of Zachariah (Peace be with him) as described in this ChapterAl-Imran:  Verse : 39
The angels called to Zachariah while he was praying in the sanctuary. Allah has given you a glad tiding of (a son whose name is) Yahya who comes to confirm a word from Allah. Yahya will be lordly, chaste and a prophet of righteous.

Allah is demonstrating to the people of all generations that just as He can grant a child to Zachariah in his extreme old age, similarly He can give a child to Mary even though no mortal has touched her.

Zachariah (Peace be with him) said to Allah, mentioned in Chapter Al-Imran: Verse-40-41
He said, “O Allah! How can I have a son when old age has overtaken me and my wife is already barren?” (The angel) Answered, “So (it will be) Allah does what He wills. “ Zachariah said, “O Allah! Please appoint a token for me.” (The angel) said, “ The tokens for you are that you will not speak to mankind for three days except with signals. During this time remember Allah a lot and glorify Him in the afternoon and in the morning.”

Let us describe Mary, Allah says in his Last Testament Quran: Chapter-Al-Imran: Verse 42-43
And when angels said to Mary, “Allah has chosen you and made you purified, (from disbelief) and has chosen you above the women of the mankind and jinn. O Mary! Be obedient to your Lord, prostrate yourself and bow down along with those who bow down in worship.”

 The instruction to bow down with those who bow down indicates that salat should preferably be done in congregation. The Angels further said to Mary: Surah Al-Imran-45-46

(Remember) when the angels said: “O Maryum! Verily Allah has given you a glad tiding of a Word from Him whose name is the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, illustrious in the world and the hereafter, and one of those brought near to Allah. This child will speak to mankind in his cradle and in his manhood and he will be one of the righteous.”

Mary was amazed, She said : Holy Quran: Al-Imran-47
She said, “ O Allah! How can I have a child when no mortal has touched me?” He said, “So (it will be) for Allah creates what He wills.” If He has decreed something, He says to it only: “Be” –and it is.

Hence the birth of Jesus was simply by the word of Allah which was confirmed by Yahya (Peace be with him), Furthermore, it was very clear that the birth of Jesus (Peace be with him) took place when no human being ever touched Mary.
The Quran describe in details how Mary conceived miraculously and how she handled herself during pregnancy. In Holy Quran :Chapter- Maryum, Verse 16-26.

Holy Quran :Chapter:Maryum-27-32, 

……… Jesus spoke out, “Look! I am the slave of Allah. He has given me the Scriptures and has appointed me Prophet. He has made me blessed wheresoever I may be, and has enjoined upon me prayer and alms giving so long as I remain alive. Allah has made me dutiful towards her who bore me, and has not made me arrogant, unblessed.”

Friday, 2 November 2012



Sneezing is in fact a reflex, an involuntary act that creates an outburst of air from the lungs and the nose, at speeds of up to 250 kilometres an hour. Sneezing is one of the main ways in which germs and viruses are spread, especially in winter when windows are kept closed. One sneeze may discharge tens of thousands of saliva and mucous particles, each 0.5 - 5 microns in diameter, including many germs and viruses.

Some people sneeze very loudly and cause the ground to shake, while others let out a tiny, choked sound that is mostly sucked inward. But no matter how one looks at it, there. why eyes close while sneezing and if the heart really does skip a beat.

So why does it happen? The current explanation is that sneezing is an evolutionary reflex aimed at distancing from the body any foreign invaders, which are liable to make us ill. However, this reflex, which was seemingly intended to be specific, evolved into an act that may also be triggered by the smallest irritation; one which does not necessarily lead to disease.
Sneezing results from irritation, usually of the mucous membrane of the nose and at times of the lungs, ears or eyes by germs, viruses,  allergens or other particles. Sneezing may also be triggered by sudden cold air, bright lights and even excitement or orgasm.


Dr. Donzelli says sneezing is a natural physical response that allows your body to clear unwanted items or irritants from your nose, and when you stop a sneeze, there are negative effects.

“The nose and mouth are the last chance to stop a sneeze,” Dr. Donzelli said. “Stopping a sneeze in these areas can result in the back up of pressure into your sinuses and potentially into your ears via the eustachian tube. If you stop the sneeze at the voice box, you will create a valsalva, raising thoracic pressure much like what occurs with a hard cough.” (Tuesday, November 23rd, 2010 Midwest ENT Consultants)press release.

Muscles Involved in Creating a Sneeze ,
  • In an iVillage/Your Health article, professor and allergist Dr. Norman Klein explains that muscles must contract in a specific order for a sneeze to occur.
  • "The muscles and their order of contraction are:
    1. Abdominal muscles

    2. Chest muscles

    3. Diaphragm (large muscles beneath the lungs)

    4. Vocal cord muscles

    5. Muscles in the back of the throat

    6. Muscles in the eyelids (the eyes involuntarily close during a sneeze)."

Back-Related Injuries
  • A strenuous coughing or sneezing attack can leave you with back spasms and upper or  lower back pain and can cause injury.
  • Sneezing can cause someone to sprain a ligament in the lower back. Sciatica may be made worse by sneezing and, although this is not a common occurrence, a very powerful sneeze might result in a torn muscle or even a fractured "floater" rib.

Why do our eyes always close while sneezing?

You may have noticed that it is difficult to keep your eyes open whilst sneezing. This is also a reflex which cannot be controlled. The assumption is that the closing of the eyes is intended to relieve the uncomfortable pressure that sneezing causes behind the eyes. An alternate theory maintains that the eyes close in order to protect them from the germs and viruses released during the sneeze. And yet another explanation claims that the eyes close due to a reflexive clenching of many muscles during the sneeze, including the diaphragm, abdomen, thighs, back and even the anus. The muscles surrounding the eyes clench as well, causing them to close. Nonetheless, despite the myth, it is possible to open one's eyes while sneezing without one's eyeballs popping out. (according to medclick-uk )

The heart actually does continue to function, without skipping a beat. Sneezing may cause a decrease in the heart rate for a fraction of a second, but as soon as the sneeze is over or even while it occurs the next heartbeat will swiftly arrive.

Sneezing is a natural physical response that allows your body to clear unwanted items or irritants from your nose, there are negative effects when you stop a sneeze or sneeze carelessly ,Please take care and prepare that you do not stop sneezing, because it is works for our benefit. However, please be sure to cover your mouth to avoid infecting surroundings with any types of Virus you may be carrying knowingly or unknowingly . 


Medical Science recommends Sneezing and does not recommends to stop sneezing, this conclusion report after long research and development in the science,

 Allah Revealed the Massage 1400 years ago in the “Quran and Hadith” . Last Prophet “Mohammed” (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) practiced himself and order to all the humanity, 

Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, "Allah likes sneezing and dislikes yawning, so if someone sneezes and then praises Allah , says (al-hamdu Lillaah),  then it is obligatory on every Muslim who heard him, to say: May Allah be merciful to you (Yar-hamuka-l-lah). But as regards yawning, it is from Satan, so one must try one's best to stop it, if one says 'Ha' when yawning, Satan will laugh at him. (242 hadith Sahih Bukhari.)

Commentary: After Sneezing lightens the mind of man, and bodily he feels comfort. It is, therefore, something good and one should glorify Allah for it. “ AL-HAMDU LIL-LAH” an Arabic phrase meaning "Praise to Allah (God)" or "All praise belongs to Allah (God)," In everyday speech it simply means "Thank God!"

Transmitted by Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah.Narrated AbuHurayrah:
When the Messenger of Allah (Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon Him) sneezed, he placed his hand or a garment on his mouth, and lessened the noise. The transmitter Yahya is doubtful about the exact words khafada or ghadda (lessened).
Hadith Ref : Grade:    Hasan Sahih (Al-Albani), Reference: Sunan Abi Dawud 5029, In-book reference : Book 43, Hadith 257, English translation: Book 42, Hadith 5011

Al-Tirmidhi Hadith - 312 Narrated AbuHurayrah 
Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) said, Yawning in prayer is an act of Shaytan, so when one of you yawns he should restrain it as much as possible. In another version it the word are: He should place his hand upon his mouth.

Sunday, 16 September 2012

Effects of Anger on Your Body and Soul ?

Effects of Anger on Your Body and Soul ?

Like poorly managed stress, anger that isn’t handled in a healthy way can be not only uncomfortable, but even damaging to one’s health and personal life.

Researchers cited previous evidence that anger problems and depressive symptoms have been linked to all major causes of death, but found that wives specifically found a greater association between anger and symptoms of depression, while men tended to instead experience an association between anger and health problems.

 According to a study from Ohio State University, those who had less control over their anger tended to heal more slowly from wounds. those who had less control over their anger also tended to be slower healers. In addition, those participants also tended to have more cortisol (a stress hormone) in their system during the blistering procedure, suggesting that they may be more stressed by difficult situations as well.

 Research with children and adolescents shows that anger management is important for the younger set as well.Their health is also at risk; those who cope poorly with anger tend to have more negative outcomes when it comes to both mental and general health. This highlights the fact that anger management is an important skill to learn early.

What are the Effects of Anger on Your Body?
It can create a blood sugar imbalance; it can decrease bone density, suppress the body's immune response and make it susceptible to chronic inflammation; it can suppress thyroid function, slowing down the body's metabolism; it can impair the brain's thinking ability and increase blood pressure.

 Anger can raise your heart rate to 180 beats a minute. It can raise your blood pressure from 120 over 80 to 220 over 130, perhaps even higher.

Your breathing becomes rapid as you try to get more oxygen into your body.

When you become stressed, your mind is in survival mode and your body releases chemicals to clot the blood, creating a potentially dangerous situation: a clot can travel through the blood vessels the brain or heart, resulting in a stroke or heart attack.

Anger also impedes circulation. Lack of oxygen can cause severe chest pains. Uncontrollable anger can trigger the bursting of a brain artery resulting in a stroke.

What are the Effects of Anger and Stress on the Brain?
Studies also show that stress blocks the growth of new neurons in the brain resulting in neuronal death or depression.Increased stress hormones can also lead to memory impairment and learning difficulties.

University College London Scientist discovered that the normal coordinates of signals for the brain to the heart can be disrupted by anger and emotional distress. This disruption triggers abnormal heart rhythms which account for well over 400,000 sudden deaths a year.

A man said to the Messenger of Allah, (peace and blessings be upon him): “Advise me! “The Prophet said, “Do not become angry and furious.” The man asked (the same) again and again, and the Prophet said in each case, “Do not become angry and furious.” [Al-Bukhari; Vol. 8 No. 137]
Resolve to give up anger, even if only for today. Whatever anger you are harboring against others, let it go. Whatever anger you have against yourself for mistakes you have made, or for wrongs you have done, let it go. It’s not helping you, it is only damaging your own spirit.
Other people have made mistakes and harmed you in the past because they are human; forgive them. You have made mistakes because you are human; forgive yourself, and turn to Allah in tawbah (repentance).

The Prophet Muhammad ((peace and blessings be upon him)) has taught us some strategies for dealing with anger. For example, he said:

“I know a word, the saying of which will cause him to relax, if he does say it. If he says: ‘I seek Refuge with Allah from Satan’ then all his anger will go away.” [Al-Bukhari; Vol. 4, No. 502]

And he said,

Anger comes from the devil, the devil was created of fire, and fire is extinguished only with water; so when one of you becomes angry, he should perform ablution.” [Abu Daud; Book 41, No. 4766]
Abu Dharr narrated: The Apostle of Allah, (peace and blessings be upon him) said to us: “When one of you becomes angry while standing, he should sit down. If the anger leaves him, well and good; otherwise he should lie down.” [Abu Daud; Book 41, No. 4764]

In another hadith, the Last Prophet, (peace and blessings be upon him), said:

“If one of you becomes angry then he should be silent.”

Narrated ‘Abdur Rahman bin Abi Bakra: Abu Bakr wrote to his son who was in Sijistan: Do not judge between two persons when you are angry, for I heard the Prophet, (peace and blessings be upon him), saying: “A judge should not judge between two persons while he is in an angry mood.” [Al-Bukhari; Vol. 9, No. 272]

Sunday, 9 September 2012

Global warming Journey towards end of earth !

Global warming is one of signs day of judgement.

Global warming is a major problem the world facing today..
Scholars who are specialized in sharee’ah and environmental sciences say has to do with this topic, and some of the most prominent specialists in the world agreed with them, which is that the Arabian Peninsula will again become meadows and rivers. They attribute that to a complete change in the earth’s climate and the melting of the Arctic ice cap due to global warming.

The hadeeth is:
It was narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The Hour will not begin until the land of the Arabs once again becomes meadows and rivers.” Narrated by Muslim (157). Meadows refers to spacious land with a great deal of vegetation.

Earthquakes : A numerical modeling study has demonstrated that seismicity increases during unloading, such as that due to the removal of ice

An earthquake (also known as a quake, tremor or temblor) is the result of a sudden release of energy in the Earth's crust that creates seismic waves. The seismicity, seismism or seismic activity of an area refers to the frequency, type and size of earthquakes experienced over a period of time. Earthquakes are measured using observations from seismometers.

In its most general sense, the word earthquake is used to describe any seismic event — whether natural or caused by humans — that generates seismic waves. Earthquakes are caused mostly by rupture of geological faults, but also by other events such as volcanic activity, landslides, mine blasts, and nuclear tests. An earthquake's point of initial rupture is called its focus or hypocenter.

All such cases bring to mind what the Last Massenger of Allah (God) (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said 1400 years ago:

   The Hour (Last Day) will not be established until ... earthquakes will be very frequent. (Bukhari)

Q. Which day do we call Qayamt or Day of Jugement or Last Day?
A. Qayamat is the day when all man, animals, earth, skies, mountain, everything will be destroyed. Only Allah (God) will remain.

Q. When will Qayamat (The Day of Judgement) come?
A. The correct time for Qayamat (The Day of Judgement)is known by Allah (God) only. But Allah has mentioned signs when the final day.

There is not just a one example but brief and detail explanation along with major and minor sign's in islam about the day of judgement.(end of the world, day of accounting).

Allah (God) Says in Holy Quran :

Give this warning to those in whose (hearts) is the fear that they will be brought (to judgment) before their Lord: except for Him they will have no protector nor intercessor: that they may guard (against evil).
(The Holy Quran, Al-Anaam, 6:51)

But those who disbelieved and denied Our signs - they are the companions of Hellfire. (Al-Maeda, 5:86)

And obey Allah and obey the Messenger and beware. And if you turn away - then know that upon Our Messenger is only [the responsibility for] clear notification. (Al-Maeda, 5:92)

Friday, 31 August 2012

Research on Ego !

The Ego

Ego is a Latin word meaning "I", cognate with the Greek "Εγώ (Ego)" meaning "I", often used in English to mean the "self", "identity" or other related concepts. 

The ego separates us from our surroundings, rather than connecting us to the oneness between humans and the natural world.
This can lead to being out of harmony and full of distress. If we want to enjoy the unfolding of life we can’t let the ego distract us.

The ego is the exact force that gets in the way of experiencing a balanced, meaningful, and significant life.

Warning few signs of ego

1. Is calling with disrespects and shout.
2. You always have to have more.
3. You have to be right always.
4. You feel tense, uncomfortable, with your surroundings and peoples.
5. You must always be winning and you hate losing.
This selfishness rears its head in our everyday dealings and interactions because you set out to live for your ultimate satisfaction (basically, to avoid pain). If you seek pleasure, you’re avoiding pain. As long as it believes it’s here to avoid pain, ego continues to thrive.

You don’t want your happiness conditional upon the behavior of other people. It’s bad enough that your happiness is conditional upon your own behavior.

 The common term for ego used in the Qur'an and Sunnah is "Kibr".
Understandably, the Sahabah (companions of the Muhammad –may Allah’s peace and blessing be upon him) were terrified by this statement.

One of them asked the Prophet (peace be upon him) "I like my dress to be clean and my shoes to be clean" The Prophet(peace be upon him) replied: "That is not it……………  "Kibr is rejecting the truth and belittling people." 

Allah (God) Says in Holy Quran:

“…..False worship (shirk) is indeed the highest wrongdoing” [Luqman 31:13]

That is Allah, your Lord! there is no god but He, the Creator of all things: then worship ye Him: and He hath power to dispose of all affairs. (6:102)

 “Indeed, He (Allah) does not love the proud.” [an-Nahl (16):23]

“So enter the gates of Hell to dwell therein. Indeed evil is the abode of the proud.” [An-Nahl (16):29]

Last Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him) said (Books of Hadith) :

“Pride is dissatisfaction with the truth, and belittling the people.” [Muslim]

“He will not enter Paradise who has even a speck of pride in his heart.” [Muslim]
The bottom line is that since you approached them in the name of rejection, you’re going to be dancing on the edge of rejection throughout the interaction. Every time you do something in the name of avoiding pain, that something becomes a link that holds the potential to the pain you’re avoiding. In order to assure your acceptance, you try to present yourself a certain way so that you can win friends and influence people.

Sunday, 26 August 2012

How to identify a gambler ?

What is gamble?

To bet on an uncertain outcome, as of a contest, or To play a game of chance for stakes or To take a risk in the hope of gaining an advantage or a benefit.


Blackjack – It is said to have migrated in French casinos around 1700 and arrived in the U.S. at the beginning of the19th century, it became known as Blackjack if a player got a Jack of spades and an Ace of spades as their first two cards.

RouletteRoulette has for all time ranked as the most admired game at land-based casinos and the equivalent holds true now for online casinos.

Slots Slots are where most of a casino's proceedings and winnings come from. And this goes for online casino games as well.

Video PokerVideo Poker is available in slot machine form. Players decide whether to cling to or discard from 5 cards showing and obtain a second deal.

Pai-Gow Poker – Pai Gow Poker, or Double-Hand Poker as it is also known, is a mixture of Poker and the ancient Chinese game of Pai Gow,


Online gambling is a general term for gambling using the Internet. Online gambling includes casinos and casino games, poker, very popular online game - online bingo. Lotteries are very popular now, greatest jack pots attracts a lot of peoples, sport betting and other.

Lotteries are another species of Gambling. The lottery system dates back several centuries. It has received the sanction of governments, and in many instances of religious bodies. Lotteries have been resorted to, as a source of revenue to the state; as in France, where, from the years 1816 to 1828 they yielded fourteen millions of francs per annum. Loans have been raised by the same means in public works, colleges, charitable institutions in many countries.

Gambling is destructive of every good habit. It  Say goodbye to all the virtues. It stagnates the just and honourable affections of the soul. It quenches religious feeling.

The dear wife, children, or parents, are ruthlessly sacrificed on the altar of this destructive demon. He is deaf to every plea of pity or mercy. His heart is consumed by this fire of play, until every noble impulse, and generous emotion, and conscientious dictate are burnt to ashes. Such is its end.

ü  That the winner is always in danger of murder and runs for his life.
ü  The loser generally becomes a cheat, a murderer, a suicide, or a drunkard.
ü  The tortures of the damned are common to all gamblers, winners and losers.
ü  Deception and lying are their common attributes.
ü  Outlawed by public opinion, they wage implacable war against the morals, Peace, and happiness of society."

And what is the appeal urged by woman?—woman, who has so much to suffer from the gambler, whose home may be desolated, whose heart be with sorrow.

How to identify a gambler ?

If your eye falls on this, beware of the gambler. Have you never seen him? He is a well-dressed gentleman, rather profuse with jewelry. He is very friendly, indeed somewhat officious. He inquires about your business, and prospects in life. He seeks your confidence that he may steal your purse. He hints at easy ways of getting a living. "There is no need," he says, "of a man making a slave of himself.

In another way the young man is enticed. He enters a parlour. He has never played cards before. But here is a table covered with cards, and the wine-cup is at hand; and beauty and intelligence are shuffling and dealing the innocent toys, and invite him to take a hand. In vain he pleads ignorance of the game. They will teach him. He becomes a learner. He plays on for the excitement, and to enjoy the pleasures of society.
But mark the progress.

Reader, must you confess that you do not play, Stop at once. To-day burn your cards. Vow before Allah (God) never to play again, and Follows Allah's Commandments as revealed, ask him to help you to keep your vow. This is our safety.

Allah (God) revealed a verse:

“Satan wants only to excite enmity and hatred between you with intoxicants (alcoholic drinks) and gambling, and hinder you from the remembrance of God and from the prayer.  So, will you not then abstain?” (Quran 5:91)

 Gambling, alcohol is one of the tools Satan uses to distract humankind from the worship of Allah (God). Allah (God) states clearly in the Quran that Satan is an open enemy towards humankind yet by drinking alcohol and Gambling, we invite Satan into our lives and make it easy for him to distract us from our real purpose in life, to worship Allah (God).

Allah (God) revealed commandments in Holy Quran: 
Say: He is Allah, the One and Only (112:1)

And your Allah is One Allah: There is no god but He, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. (2:163)
“Surely, Satan is an enemy to you, so treat him as an enemy.  He only invites his followers that they may become the dwellers of the blazing Fire.” (Quran 35:6)

Allah (God) revealed a verse totally prohibiting.
 “O you who believe!  Intoxicants (all kinds of alcoholic drinks), gambling, idolatry, and diving arrows are an abomination of Satan’s handiwork.  So avoid that so that you may be successful.” (Holy Quran 5: 90)