Tuesday 7 October 2014

God Manuals


Why do we need User Manual?

The importance of instructions is so you will know what to do, you need to know how to do it right. Like you need to know how to follow instructions at school so you will get a good grade, or if you do an important job like being a firefighter, you need to know what to do in order to save somebody from a fire and save your life as well. There can be a lot of penalties of not following instructions like if you didn't follow instructions with medicine, you could get sick. If you didn't follow instructions on the food you were making it wouldn't turn out right. You could also get lost if you didn't follow the instructions on how to get somewhere.

What is inside  of User Guide / Manual, for Any standard Device /Products;

ü  Copyright (Copyright © XXXX Corporation)
ü  Warranty
ü  Trademarks
ü  Manufactured under license.
ü  Safety Instructions and Precautions.
ü  Installation and Settings,
ü  Basic and advanced Operations.

Warnings, Cautions and Notes
Throughout the whole manual, pay special attention to the following marks that indicate hazardous

 Indicates a hazardous situation which could result in serious injury.

 Indicates a situation which could damage the equipment or other apparatus.

 Indicates additional information to make the user aware of possible problems and information of any
importance to help understand, use and maintain the installation.

It’s not just the customers who suffer when manuals are inadequate or non-existent. The user documentation, if properly written, can provide a gentle and efficient way of bringing quality and smart service, handy, comfortable and very easy with safety to operate the product while using.

If a simple electronic device or other product cannot be operate without manufacturer instruction manual, can you imagine a HUMAN on this face of the earth, can live there life without any guide or instruction manual.
For example, Only manufacturer of device knows the best about their product, are like, safety and hazarders, settings, setup, precautions and about warnings.

We are Human Beings, then who knows best of the best for us, it is human its self-judge himself for his best or His Manufacturer / Creator, obviously answer is manufacturer/ Creator,

Now the question raises that, how the human life would be, according to the creator, and who is our creator?

Ans. The GOD “ALLAH”, is the Creator of the Universe, he knows, what is the best  for Human Beings, and all  about his, safety, precautions, operations, laws, warnings and hazard’s and its settings. 

Q. if Allah, “THE GOD” creator of HUMAN BEINGS then ALLAH “GOD”, must be given Instructions manual / Guide to human beings? Where is that, and which one is that?

Ans. Many Humans Beings and their communities claim that there books is the Book of Allah’s “God”. Guide for their life, Few of them are: 

TORAH : Jewish and Muslims says, is the Book Of Allah given to Prophet- “Moses” Musa

BIBLE : Christians and Muslim says, The Bible, is Book Of Allah given to Prophet - “Jesus” Isa.

QURAN : Muslims says, The Quran is the Last-Book Of Allah given to Last Prophet-“Mohammed” Peace and blessings of Allah be Upon Him.

Now today’s this 21st century Humans are confused whom to follow, as a Guide for Life.

We will find the answers in the Allah’s books itself.

TORAH:  The TOURAAT (OLD TESTAMENT) was given to Prophet “MOSES” MUSA (Alayhis-Salaam) He is also an important prophet in Christianity and Islam,

Native Name : “Moses” Musa,  Born: c. 2076 BH (c.1392 BCE) Egypt,  Died : c. 1952 BH (c. 1272 BCE), Moab, Syria.

  • Bereishith (In the beginning...) (Genesis)
  • Shemoth (The names...) (Exodus)
  • Vayiqra (And He called...) (Leviticus)
  • Bamidbar (In the wilderness...) (Numbers)
  • Devarim (The words...) (Deuteronomy)
Ten Commandments given to the Israelites through Moses which it claims contained guidance and understanding of all things.
Musa “Moses”  is Prophet send for commanding and guiding to Israelis.

PSALMS “ZABOOR”:  were given to Prophet DAWOOD (Alayhis-Salaam).

Zabur (Arabic: زبور‎) is, according to Islam, the holy book of Dawud (David), one of the holy books (or religious text) revealed by God before the Qur'an, alongside others such as the Tawrat (Torah) of Musa (Moses) and the Injil (Gospel) of Isa (Jesus).

The Holy Zabur is a collection of ancient hymns and spiritual songs. They were originally to be sung, not just to be recited or read. The Zabur was the worship book used in Sulayman's Holy House in Jerusalem. Often it is called Dawud's Zabur (or the Psalms of David). 

Daawood (Alayhis-Salaam) had a beautiful voice so during his recitation of Az-Zaboor, humans, Jinn, birds and animals used to gather to listen to him.  Allaah the Almighty Said (what means): {And We certainly gave David from Us bounty. [We said], "O mountains, repeat [Our] praises with him, and the birds [as well]." And We made pliable for him iron,}[Quran 34:10]

Revelation of Zabur: 

Allah revealed the Zabur (Book of Psalms) to Prophet Dawud (peace be upon him).  It contains lessons for the guidance of Israelites.  The Holy Qur'an says: We gave to Dawud Zabur.  (4: 163)

The Zabur contains 150 chapters or songs which are broken down into 5 sections as follows:

  • First Section -- chapters 1 to 41
  • Second Section -- chapters 42 to 72
  • Third Section -- chapters 73 to 89
  • Fourth Section -- chapters 90 to 106
  • Fifth Section -- chapters 107 to 150

Death and Burial: 
The Prophet Dawud (peace be upon him) passed away at the age of 70 years.  He was buried in Jerusalem.

BIBLE “INJEEL”  : Jesus is also an important prophet in Christianity and Islam,

 The Bible is a canonical collection of texts sacred in Judaism and Christianity. There is no single "Bible" and many Bibles with varying contents exist. [Riches, John (2000). The Bible: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 7–8.] The term Bible is shared between Judaism and Christianity, although the contents of each of their collections of canonical texts is not the same. Different religious groups include different books within their Biblical canons, in different orders, and sometimes divide or combine books, or incorporate additional material into canonical books.  (Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

By the 2nd century BCE Jewish groups had called the Bible books the "scriptures" and referred to them as "holy," or in Hebrew כִּתְבֵי הַקֹּדֶשׁ (Kitvei hakkodesh), and Christians now commonly call the Old and New Testaments of the Christian Bible "The Holy Bible" in Greek, (τὰ βιβλία τὰ ἅγια, tà biblía tà ágia) or "the Holy Scriptures"

An early 4th-century Septuagint translation of the Hebrew Bible is found in the Codex Vaticanus.


CLAIMS: When people hear there are over 50 different versions of the Bible in English alone, this view, however, is wrong. Yes there are many denominations, but don't blame that on the fact there are many versions of the Bible. There is one Bible. How?

ANS: Decide by yourself with brief below analysis of bible, Scholars claims that the bible is one, do you think all are one or different bibles.

List of books in the Christian Bible, Roman Catholic Bible, Greek Orthodox Bible
X = the book is not included in that Bible
ü =  the book is included in that Bible

Christian's Bible
Roman Catholic Bible
Greek Orthodox Bible
1 Esdras
ü ü
ü ü
Additions to Esther
ü ü
Wisdom of Solomon
ü ü
ü ü
ü ü
Epistle of Jeremiah
ü ü
Song of the Three Children
ü ü
Story of Susanna
ü ü
Bel and the Dragon
ü ü
Prayer of Manasseh
ü ü
1 Maccabees
ü ü
2 Maccabees
ü ü
3 Maccabees
4 Maccabees
Psalm 151
Source: http://www.bible.ca/b-canon-orthodox-catholic-christian-bible-books.htm

Bible has edited and tempered, here one of the Example:

The Scofield Reference Bible is a widely circulated study Bible edited and annotated by the American Bible student Cyrus I. Scofield that popularized dispensationalism at the beginning of the 20th century. Published by Oxford University Press and containing the traditional, Protestant King James Version, it first appeared in 1909 and was revised by the author in 1917. [Scofield Reference Bible, From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ]

Bible is the revelation of GOD “Allah”, then why always Christians need to read only translated version, why they don't read  Bible in its original language script, they Might be excuse, Original Bible Language they can’t be read out, But forchunitly Christians will be considered the highly educated, intellectuals, eminent scientist and scholars, Professional  Translators, editors, writers, Multi-Language professors, many more, then they can and they are capable to learn their own bible original language, The answer is simply here, they don’t preserve original bible which given to the Prophet Jesus by the ‘Allah’ GOD, if they had they will print the bible in its original script along with translation, people will get more choice to read both original manuscript as well as translation side by side in the bible. today  Christians scholars accepts that the versions had some defects/ errors, Christians had not available original source to make correction in the translations of the Bibles even after they knows the errors of the Books.

Bible has many translated into over 200 languages,

The Bible does not support the Christian belief in trinity at all. One of the scribes once asked Jesus (pbuh) as to which was the first commandment of all, to which Jesus (pbuh) merely repeated what Moses (pbuh) had said earlier:

"Shama Israelu Adonai Ila Hayno Adonai Ikhad."
This is a Hebrew quotation, which means: "Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord."
[The Bible, Mark 12:29]

HOLY QURANThe Holy Qur'an revealed by Allah 'God' towards Prophet Mohammed [Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him]

HOLY QURAN: The Holy Qur'an was presented to the Humanity in the Originally Arabia Language, Quran has no versions, had many translations of original Arabic-Text” which is Revealed towards Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). It was presented in parts over a period of 23 years of prophetic life, when Muhammad [peace and blessing of Allah be upon him] age was 40. Approximately (610 CE to 632 CE).

The Muslims believe that the Holy Qur'an, being the last and final revealed word of God, They get their philosophy, beliefs and laws from this book - it is the basic source of the Islamic faith. It is the Word of God revealed to his last Messenger Muhammad [peace and blessing of Allah be upon him] who read it out before the world loud and clear. Qur'an is one of the two sources which form the basis of Islam. The second source is the Sunnah [Sayings of the Prophet (saw)also called Hadith].

The One and Only Messenger of Allah Muhammad [peace and blessing of Allah be upon him] Sayings words and Holy-Quran, verses are preserved, through the oral as well as the written traditions, in the Prophet's lifetime. A large number of companions of the Prophet participated in this preservation process and the text was safely handed over to the next generation.
One and only Book of the God [Holy Quran], on the face of the earth, which claims that,

Its predecessors such as the Torah, Psalms, and Gospels have all been superseded. It is an obligation - and blessing - for all who hear of the Qur'an and Islam to investigate it and evaluate it for themselves. Allah (swt) has guaranteed that He will protect the Qur'an from human tampering, and today's readers can find exact copies of it all over the world. The Qur'an of today is the same as the Qur'an revealed to Muhammad (saw) 1400 years ago. 

Holy Quran Speaks about Jesus and Marium:

He Almighty also provided heavenly food & fruits to Mary. She was the most noble & pious woman of her time who was visited upon by Angels bringing food & God’s messages to her. One of the Glad tidings to her was the promise of a Noble son who will be assigned to convey God’s messages. Thus like the miracle of life as of Adam & Eve, another miracle of life came to be in the form of Jesus Christ who though was born from a mother’s womb but had no father.
“ Oh Mary ! Verily, God has chosen you, purified you from polytheism and disbelief and chosen you above the women of the mankind and the genie and gives you glad tidings of a son, held in honor in this world and in the hereafter and he will be one of the righteous “ [holy Quran, chapter: Al-imran, Verses: 42 – 46].
How blessed & great that moment would be when we mere humans would be able to see the King of the Universe!
“ Allah has promised those who believe in the oneness of Allah and do deeds of righteousness that for them there is forgiveness and a great reward i-e., Paradise. “ [Holy Quran, chapter: 5 Al-Maaidah, Verse: 9]

Every Prophet taught His people the same lesson:

“Indeed, We sent Nuh (Noah) to his people and he said: “O my people! Worship Allah! You have no other Ilah (God) but Him. Certainly, I fear for you the torment of a Great Day!” [Al-A’raf 7: 59]

And I have followed the religion of my fathers, – Ibrahim (Abraham), Ishaq (Isaac) and Ya‘qub (Jacob) [A.S], and never could we attribute any partners whatsoever to Allah. This is from the Grace of Allah to us and to mankind, but most men thank not (i.e. they neither believe in Allah, nor worship Him).” [Yusuf 12:38]

The basis of our Creation is to worship Allah:

“And I (Allah) created not the jinn and mankind except that they should worship Me (Alone). [Az-Zariyat 51:56]

That is Allah, your Lord!. There is no god but He, the Creator of all things. Then worship Him, and He has power to dispose of all affairs [Al-An’am 6:102]

Allah Challenging to the Polytheist’s.

Say (O Muhammad P.B.U.H): “Think you about all that you invoke besides Allah? Show me. What have they created of the earth? Or have they a share in (the creation of) the heavens? Bring me a Book (revealed before this), or some trace of knowledge (in support of your claims), if you are truthful!” [Al-Ahqaf 46:4]

“And whoever invokes (or worships), besides Allah, any other God, of whom he has no proof; then his reckoning is only with his Lord. Surely! The Disbelievers will not be successful.” [Al-Mu’minun 23:117]


After reading all above books, the holy book Quran, is the best ever as a human-guide, because of the Quran is protected, free from tempered, the Quran is original forms same as revealed toward prophet, since 1400 years.

The Holy Quran is final and last amendment of all previous book of Allah, Allah addresses to the all humanity that this Book Holy Quran is the last revelation, because of it is Allah's last revelation, Quran covered all concept of human life, which was not known in previous Holy Scriptures, from birth to death, from kitchens to global education, from below the earth to skies.

The Holy Book Quran and Sunnah, is the brief and details of every part of human-life, law and order, constitutions, social, marital, economic, political, sexual, this book is first ever book on this face of the earth which brings the protection and constitution given to the women’s.  

let us turn towards our fathers religion, who's witness has quoted in Holy Quran :

“And I have followed the religion of my fathers, – Ibrahim (Abraham), Ishaq (Isaac) and Ya‘qub (Jacob) [A.S], and never could we attribute any partners whatsoever to Allah. This is from the Grace of Allah to us and to mankind, but most men thank not (i.e. they neither believe in Allah, nor worship Him).” [Yusuf 12:38]